Friday, 30 September 2016

Techno idiot alert!!!

Greetings colleagues,

Uhm, this is very embarrassing but I can't get onto the page where everyone's posts are on the sidebar. Where we have to respond. Can someone PLEASE remind me (in idiot's guide terms please).
Or can I just click on the link Lianne set up on Sunlearn?

This is my biggest challenge - technology and I just don't mix! One day my brain manages and the next day it's all gone. Case and point, my current "situation". Knew how to get there yesterday but today there's a blank space where the technological part of my brain used to be.

So if the teacher is this daft, can she really expect the students to fare much better? More importantly how can I assist/advise when I'm this inept myself. Hopefully there is hope for a techno idiot such as myself with the help of this module. At least I've managed to get onto my own blog:)

Here's hoping...



  1. Not an idiot at all!!!!! You're asking questions, you're posting on the it just takes practice.
    On SUNLearn, click on the name of the course blog at the top of the module. This will take you to the course blog. You can also scroll right to the bottom of the screen once you are there and click on the "follow" icon so that it is always saved for you on your own blogger settings page.

  2. Interesting experience. I am appreciating the consideration that when one is planning on using any technology, it is always easy to assume all will understand but we realise that what is obvious to us may be technical to our users the moment if fails to work as they expect. Can one imagine what impact that will have on learners? Imagine if it is an exam, the learner believes they have an idea what to do in selecting the answer. As they begin, somehow, the buttons do not behave as expected. Imagine the anxiety!!! This may be good to remember as we design a solution for others to use.

  3. Thank you both.I find working via Sunlearn works well.Live and learn mister Bosire.Live and learn!Like you say we learn from our experiences and now these are things to consider during the design phase.
